This is Plants vs. Vegans, a kinda reimagining of one of my favorite game Plants vs. Zombies. I made this to practice game development so It may still have some bugs and I would appreciate your feedback very much! Thank you!

- Tutorial -

1. You have only 6 plants to plant (only 3 is available for now) all of them cost different sun points. They all start as seeds but will grow slowly once you water them. You can make them grow instantly by watering on them again but it will cost you 10 leaf points. 

2. You can move plants around by shoveling them. Once they are shoveled, They will appear on the graft slots (slots on the bottom of the screen) then you can drag the plant to somewhere else.

3. When you have plants in the graft slots, You can combine it with another plants in the lawn together into a new plant! (they both have to be fully grown). Combining 2 plants cost 20 leaf point. (Some combinations are not added yet)

4. You can earn sun points by hovering your mouse over falling suns or planting sun blooms.

5. You can earn leaf points by using compost on a plant which will decompose/kill them. Grown plants gives 10 leaf points while seeds gives 2 points.

6. When your plants die, you will earn 10 leaf points. Your plant all have 2 minutes to live before they die but you can refresh their lives by watering them which will also power them up and cost 50 sun points.

7. All enemies have different gimicks like slime can heal itself when eating your plants or red fly will blow up when they are close to a plant.

8. Have fun! (Hopefully you enjoy this little game lol)

- Hot keys -

- Seed slots = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  keys

- Graft slots (slots on the bottom) = Z, X, C, V, B, N keys

- Watering can = W key

- Shovel = S key

- Compost = D key (D stands for decompose!? okay?)

- Pause = Escape key

- Speedup = Spacebar

*Bugs yet to be fixed*

- When plants are fully grown, don't spam water the plant too fast too many times because the plant will stop to function. You can still water them of course,  just don't spam it.

Go here if you wanna see the code (please don't):

Updated 26 days ago
Made withGodot

Development log


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Came from YouTube and I also tried the game, and it just made me like it even more :D
I only experienced some optimization problems when there were too many projectiles, but my game also has that problem so I get it. I hope you'll update this!
I was also wondering if I could chat with you more. I didn't find any socials like Discord on your channel so I don't want to be pushy.

Awww dude thank you! I don't really use any social media except like Reddit so if you wanna chat then you can hit me up here lol:

And it's okay! I don't think you are being pushy.